9.5 Mediation with SPSS and PROCESS

9.5.1 Instructions

SPSS cannot apply statistical inference to indirect effects, so we use the PROCESS macro developed for this purpose (Hayes, 2013). If correctly installed (see below), the macro can be used from within the SPSS Regression menu. Please note that you had better not paste the PROCESS commands to the SPSS syntax because it produces a lot of code that is difficult to understand. Instead, run the PROCESS command directly from the menu and manually add a comment to your SPSS syntax file reminding yourself of the model that you estimated with PROCESS.

Download the PROCESS macro and install the SPSS custom dialog file. Check the FAQ at the PROCESS website if installation is not successful. If PROCESS is successfully installed, it can be found in the Analyze > Regression menu.

Figure 9.12: Estimating a single or parallel mediation model with PROCESS (Model 4).

Figure 9.13: Estimating a serial mediation model with PROCESS (Model 6).

Figure 9.14: Estimating a mediation model including covariates with PROCESS.

Figure 9.15: Estimating a path model in SPSS.