All SPSS Tutorial Videos List

Chapter 2: Probability Models: How Do I Get a Sampling Distribution?

  • Video 2.10: Bootstrapping in SPSS.
  • Video 2.11: Interpreting bootstrap results in SPSS.
  • Video 2.1: Performing an exact test in SPSS.
  • Video 2.2: Interpreting exact test results in SPSS.

Chapter 3: Estimating a Parameter: Which Population Values Are Plausible?

  • Video 3.8: Setting the confidence level in SPSS.

Chapter 4: Testing a Null Hypothesis: Am I Right or Am I Wrong?

  • Video 9.18: A binomial test on a single proportion in SPSS.
  • Video 9.20: A chi-squared test on a frequency distribution in SPSS.
  • Video 9.19: A one-sample t test in SPSS.

Chapter 4.2.3: Which Sample Size Do I Need? Power!

  • Video 9.26: Obtaining Cohen’s d with SPSS.

Chapter 5: Moderation with Analysis of Variance

  • Video 5.8: One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) in SPSS.
  • Video 5.18: Two-way analysis of variance with moderation in SPSS.
  • Video 5.19: Calculating eta2 from SPSS output.

Chapter 6: Regression Analysis And A Categorical Moderator

  • Video 6.10: Executing and interpreting regression analysis in SPSS.
  • Video 6.11: Creating dummy variables in SPSS.
  • Video 6.12: Using dummy variables in a regression model in SPSS.
  • Video 6.13: Checking assumptions for regression models in SPSS.
  • Video 6.23: Creating categorical by numerical interaction predictors for regression in SPSS.
  • Video 6.24: Estimating categorical by numerical moderation with regression in SPSS.
  • Video 6.25: Representing moderation by regression lines in a scatterplot in SPSS.
  • Video 6.26: Checking common support for a predictor at different moderator values in SPSS.

Chapter 7: Regression Analysis With A Numerical Moderator

  • Video 7.11: Mean-centering variables for regression analysis in SPSS.
  • Video 7.12: Regression lines for a numerical moderator in a scatterplot in SPSS.
  • Video 7.13: Checking common support with a numerical moderator in SPSS.

Chapter 8: Regression Analysis And Confounders

  • Video 8.9: Identifying confounders with regression in SPSS.

Chapter 9: Mediation with Regression Analysis

  • Video 9.12: Estimating a single or parallel mediation model with PROCESS (Model 4).
  • Video 9.13: Estimating a serial mediation model with PROCESS (Model 6).
  • Video 9.14: Estimating a mediation model including covariates with PROCESS.
  • Video 9.15: Estimating a path model in SPSS.

Appendix: Variance / Association

  • Video 9.21: Levene’s F test on equal variances in SPSS.
  • Video 9.22: Independent samples t test on two means.
  • Video 9.23: Paired samples t test on two means.
  • Video 9.24: Test on a correlation.
  • Video 9.25: Chi-squared test on a contingency table (crosstab).